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Kayak Angler Staff


Angler Witnesses Bass Trying To Swallow Another Bass (Video)

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Casey Reed (@caseyreedfishing) //www.instagram.com/embed.js Casey Reed was fishing on Hyco Lake in North Carolina when he came across...

Native Sons: 13 Smallmouth Hotspots In Their Home Range

I make a pinpoint cast to shoot my lure underneath overhanging tree limbs where it lands with a splash at the river’s edge. I...

Walk On Water: 7 Top Fishing Shoes For Any Season

I have dozens of shoes stuffed in every corner of my gear closet, but only a couple of pairs I regularly wear. First, water...

Will This Hysterical Chicken Lure Catch Fish? (Video)

Matt Nelson of the YouTube channel NDYakAngler is known for throwing some funky-looking lures to lurking fish. The angler often proves that no matter...

Big Bait Hauls In The Catch Of A Lifetime (Video)

They say throw big bait for big fish. That's the tactic Rich Janitschek took off the far edge of Panama to land a roosterfish. Janitschek...

The Red Coast: Chasing Redfish From Texas To Virginia

Compared to the competition, redfish may be the perfect inshore game fish. Striped bass are loyal dogs, always curious and ready to play. Speckled...

The Obvious Reason You’re Uncomfortable In Your Kayak (Video)

We'd argue the elevated stadium-style seat has to be one of the top three contraptions to change the game for kayak anglers. An elevated seat...

Angler’s Priceless Reaction To Catching This “Freak” Bass (Video)

Professional kayak angler Kristine Fischer and her boyfriend G were trying for a productive day of bass fishing in Texas and sharpening their Livescope...

The Jackson Big Rig Is Back (Video)

Jackson Kayak announced the return of a fan favorite for 2024 with the Jackson Big Rig FD. The Big Rig was first introduced in...

Shark Rams Kayaker While Chasing Seal (Video)

Greg Potter was fishing off the East Cape of New Zealand when he began to witness a spectacle as a shark chased a seal....