Kayak Angler Staff
10 Expert Rigging Skills To Level Up Your Game
On one hand, kayak fishing is simple—all you need is a kayak, paddle, PFD and some tackle. On the other hand, it is a complex sport...
An Ingenious Way To Store Your Kayak Or Canoe (Video)
Looking to shield your kayak or canoe from the elements, but running out of room in the garage? Nick’s Life Outside demonstrates a clever...
Is Side-Scan Sonar An Unfair Advantage?
Dave Narr yelled and pointed 20 yards off his bow, “There they are!” I looked into the silty-green water expecting to see a big...
Dangers Of Marsh Fishing During Low Tide (Video)
Texas coastal marshes can be a great spot to track down trophies at low tide, according to MDLR Fishing’s Mark DeLaRosa, but accessing them...
15 Expert Fishing Skills To Level Up Your Game
On one hand, kayak fishing is simple—all you need is a kayak, paddle, PFD and some tackle. On the other hand, it is a...
5 Reasons You Should Fish More Often
Tell your friends, tell your boss, tell your spouse, your neighbors, that random guy walking down the street—tell everyone! This year, you need to...
Conquer Cold Water To Target Pre-Spawn Walleye (Video)
Early spring is a prime time to target walleye on the upper Columbia River. But as Old Town ambassador Tyler Hicks notes, “cold water...
Learn 3 Live Bait Tactics For Kayak Fishing
The ocean is a cruel place. Everything is trying to eat everything else and there is nowhere to hide. Dangle a writhing baitfish in...
Eric Jackson Accidentally Snags Very Large Snake (Video)
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//www.instagram.com/embed.jsPicture this: You’re happily fishing when you get a hit—but it doesn’t feel quite...
7 Pros Pick Their Most Essential Fishing Accessory
A fishing kayak is loaded down with essential items for fishing, safety, paddling and hydration. Sometimes though, an angler needs something extra to feel...