The Odd Bait That Will Land Sea Monsters (Video)

A trip to the tide pools for a certain type of eel is Adam Irino's ticket to fat lingcod

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There is no better bait shop than the nurseries of the ocean itself. On a mission to catch his limit of sea monster-size lingcod, Adam Irino of Die Hard Fishing heads to the drained tidal pools of the Pacific Coast in search of an odd bait.

Irino is on the hunt for monkeyface prickleback eels, which are actually a member of the rockfish family. Using a small baited hook, Irino snags a few of the slender, strange-looking fish and loads them in a bait bucket for a trip out to sea.

The angler believes the monkeyface prickleback eels are a delicacy for lingcod because, unlike other rockfish, these odd, eel-like bait fish lack sharp spines. Making them an easy meal for lingcod out in deeper waters.

Irino proves the point with a couple of healthy size lingcod. However, the kayak angler states this will be his limit of lingcod for the season, as the future of the lingcod fishery is uncertain.


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