While you’ve been busy debating whether a motor should be on a kayak at all, modifier and video creator Aksmaniyak has gone and mounted dual trolling motors to his kayak, as seen in this video.
In the video, Aksmaniyak takes us through how he configured dual 12-volt 30-pound thrust Minn Kota trolling motors. Each is operating with independent wireless controllers on a kayak.
The kayak modifier states in the video description, “Wireless controllers acted in a similar manner as an RC tank set up. The trolling motors also performed as directional or differential steering for the kayak. A rudder could be added when used in that configuration to assist in steering. The kayak also reached a speed of 5 MPH which was 1 MPH greater than two previous tests using different brands and sizes of trolling motors.”
After we finished watching this dual trolling motor set up zip around, we are on our way out to the garage to add an extra engine ourselves.
Hi KA,
That was a dual Minn Kota trolling motor set up for my Crescent Shoalie kayak. I also did another with dual Watersnake T24 trolling motor sset up with 1 wireless controller using 2 channels. Here is the link if interested.
Thanks for the exposure and mention! I was wondering why the views were exploding…now I know.