Fishing With Leftovers? (Video)

Angler investigates whether repurposing Thanksgiving leftovers yields any bites

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While some anglers spend hundreds on fancy lures there’s no reason you can’t dive into your fridge in a pinch! From your leftover stuffing to turkey smothered in gravy, the Tupperware in your fridge is full of possibilities.

Can you fish with turkey? The findings:

So can you fish with turkey? OutOfWork Outdoors began the investigation with a raw turkey, boat of gravy, and an umbrella rig.

“You know a way to give back to the fish is to invite them to turkey Thanksgiving,” shared OutOfWork Outdoors in their video.

First, OutOfWork Outdoors cut up the turkey (raw) like chicken strips. From there, they dipped the turkey in gravy before setting up the turkey bait on an umbrella rig.

Fishing for striped bass with turkey. OutOfWork Outdoors | YouTube
Fishing for striped bass with turkey. Feature Image: OutOfWork Outdoors | YouTube

While OutOfWork Outdoors is fishing from a motor boat, the findings of his study bear fruit for anglers of all disciplines and could certainly be replicated by a kayak angler, so long as you find a comfortable spot for your gravy boat.

Very quickly, OutOfWork Outdoors caught a bite on his turkey lure, but missed it.

“We got one on turkey!” OutOfWork Outdoors said around the 5:30 minute mark, catching a striped bass on the turkey lure.

Could fishing with cooked turkey yield the same results? Grab your paddles and report back!

OutOfWork Outdoors caught a striper or two with raw turkey; but could a kayak angler replicate the same findings with cooked, leftover turkey?

It’s certainly worth noting that raw turkey is both slimier and has more wiggle to it than cooked turkey, while cooked turkey may fall apart more easily. It’s well-documented that catfish like raw chicken bait, but yet to be seen if cooked turkey with a side of stuffing will help catch your next bass.

So do Thanksgiving leftovers make for good bait for kayak anglers? You tell us! Grab your leftover turkey and some gravy, but we’d maybe leave the pumpkin pie and stuffing at home.

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