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Kayak Angler Staff


Choose Your Adventure: 7 Top Middle America Hot Spots

Every day, the editors at Kayak Angler receive photos from readers around the world. A steady stream of grip and grins, dawn and dusk, pimped-out kayaks...

Why Weight Distribution Matters When You Rig Your Kayak (Video)

What factor should you stop and consider before bolting that first accessory on your fancy new fishing kayak? Josh Carter from One Objective Bass...

12 Micro Adventures You Need To Do This Year

Work, school, kids, commitments, they all dig into the time we swear to set aside at the start of every new year. This year,...

Jeff Little And Chad Hoover Ticketed For “Trespassing” (Video)

Sure, you can land a cast on a dime, but can you tell whether that inviting access point is legal to use? Jeff Little...

9 Expert Paddling Skills To Level Up Your Game

Become a better paddler and you can go farther, more efficiently, and have lots of energy left over for the fish fight of your...

Hot Bluefin Tuna Bite Captured On Drone (Video)

Jason “Paddle Guy” Milne is an Australian kayak fisherman and YouTuber with a passion for chasing tuna. In this video, he teams up with...

At Home With One Of Norway’s Best Bait Builders (Video)

You may not speak the language—neither do we—but this video from Hobie Fishing Team member Emil Randemo is still fun to watch. Stian Slora...

7 Signs You’re “THAT Kayak Fisherman”

We all know that kayak fisherman. The one who everyone talks about during the tournament or on social media. The one whose video you...

5 Ways To Lose A Fishing Tournament (Video)

The power of positive thinking goes a long way when you compete for top spot in a fishing tournament. But there are also certain...

Top 5 Tips For Mothership Fishing Trips

Fishing kayaks let you hook up with fish where other boats just can’t go. But what about those fish way out in the deep,...