You know their names from the leaderboard. The guys who always seem to pull it off, no matter where they fish or what they target. How do they do it? From tackle choice to sitting on a fish, these pros give advice on how to get your name on the trophy. 

Angler: Brandon Campbell

Hometown: Austin, Texas

Leaderboard: 2013 Kayak Angler Tournament Series Angler of the Year, seven first place finishes, three-time KATS Classic qualifier

Sponsor Shoutout: Diablo Paddlesports, SuperNova fishing lights

Target: Largemouth bass


I push myself to become a more complete angler. I have to experiment with new techniques and react faster to changes in the bite. Tournaments allow me to fish lakes I would have never visited. Oh yeah, and the prize money doesn’t hurt!


I’m a sculptor for the film industry so I design my own lures. They catch big fish.


I scour the internet for old fishing reports so I can put together a pattern to the fish behavior. Then I choose 10 lures that I think will be most effective for that pattern.


We fish at night. SuperNova LEDs light up my deck without blinding me. Install the lights under the boat to attract fish and light up the bottom. The string of LED lights also keep me from getting run over after dark.


I never leave the launch without a frog lure. I keep a Spro Hollow-Body Frog tied on. Big fish hit this lure. I use it as a Hail Mary when I need a trophy.


Overcome missed opportunities and keep a positive attitude. With so much riding on the day, it is easy to get frustrated when things don’t go right. Most anglers beat themselves up. Be ready to change tactics or paddle an extra mile. Don’t beat yourself up, look forward to the next event.


Four years ago, at the Lake Travis tournament, six inches of rain fell the day before the event. During prefishing, I found a creek that was full of fish. I returned on tournament day and the water in the creek had turned to chocolate milk.

At the back of the creek I found a small waterfall that produced about 10 yards of clear water. That was one of the best fishing days of my life. It seemed like every cast produced a fish. I returned to the weigh-in and learned that I was the only angler to catch any fish. Since then, I’ve won three tournaments on the lake.

This article was first published in the Summer/Fall 2015 issue of Kayak Angler. Subscribe to Kayak Angler Magazine’s print and digital editions, or browse the archives.


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