Learn To Fish Better On This Guide’s Weekend Retreat

Hang out, talk kayak fishing, catch big fish and learn to be a better angler. Photos: Courtesy Tim Moore Outdoors
Hang out, talk kayak fishing, catch big fish and learn to be a better angler.

Fishing with a guide will change the way you fish and even approach a new fishery. Every single time I’ve fished with guide, I’ve learned more than a year of fishing every single day, in just a few hours. Tim Moore of Tim Moore Outdoors runs a guide service, has his own show and holds several record fish catches. This dude knows his stuff.

His newest venture is Kayak University, a weekend of fishing, learning and hanging out with pros and media throughout the kayak fishing industry. Fish both Big and Little Squam Lakes with Tim Moore and other expert anglers like Hobie pro Eric “Slappy” Harrison and Fish NH Guide Service owner Mark Beauchesne.

Be aware though that this is not a guided fishing trip, but it is a chance to spend a weekend fishing with anglers that are experts and learning the way they fish. Even just watching a better angler than you will allow you to pick up some great fishing tips, and rigging tips, but now you can even ask them questions both on and off the water.

What You Need To Bring


Fishing Gear

NH freshwater fishing license

What’s Included In Your Registration

Two nights lodging

All Meals



Private access on both Big and Little Squam Lakes to fish for smallmouth bass, landlocked salmon, lake trout, and rainbow trout 

Plenty Of Parking

Book Your Spot Now, Before It’s Too Late

Space is limited to 20 anglers and reservations must be made by May 23rd. Reserve your spot now at CottagePlaceOnSquam.com. For any questions or details, email info@TimMooreOutdoors.com. 

Kayak University can teach you to fish from a kayak like a pro.  

Tim Moore’s Kayak University Event Schedule 


3PM – 5PM       Arrival and Check-in

5:00 – 6:00      Keynote Seminar (TBD)

6:00 – 7:00      Dinner

7:00 – 7:30      Seminar – Squam Lake History–Mark Beauchesne – Fish NH Guide Service

7:30 – 8:00      Seminar (TBD)

8:00 – 10:00    Social and giveaways 


6:00 – 7:00      Breakfast

7:00 – 5:00      Fishing

5:00 – 6:00      Return and prepare for dinner

6:00 – 7:00      Dinner

7:00 – 8:00      Keynote Seminar (TBD)

8:00 – 8:30      Seminar (TBD)

8:30 – 9:00      Seminar (TBD)

9:00 – 10:30    Social


6:00 – 7:00     Breakfast and check-out

7:00 –             Fishing

Who’s Tim Moore? Watch him fish for northern pike with Kayak Angler’s Ben Duchesney:


For more information about Tim Moore Oudoors or his new Kayak University, check out his website, TimMooreOutdoors.com


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