Check out the latest dispatch from Kayak Fishing ClassicS to get the details on their new $4,000 Reds 4 Bucks Tournament:
The Kayak Fishing ClassicS is trying something new and there is potentially a great deal of money in it for the anglers who play. On February 27 the KFC will hold the Reds 4 Bucks tournament along the entire Gulf of Florida shoreline. There will be no sponsor gear prize awards as this is not a ‘series tournament’ and will not count toward earning a ticket to the Invitational National Championship in October.
Contestants will use artificial baits to catch their 4 largest redfish…iAngler Tournament scoring will automatically cull the smallest fish out once an angler has reached 4 catches logged. Then the anglers must sign in at the awards/weigh in station before 2:30pm held at the Hula Bay Club in Tampa, Florida. Contestants must be present and signed in on time for their entries to count.
A 4 redfish day is a pretty nice day in any anglers book and to do it early and make weigh in is challenging for sure. Only artificial baits may be used. Anglers must use the iAngler Tournament App and a smart phone…no exceptions. Launch time on the 27th is at 6:45 am
What is at stake is money…cash…moola…dough-ray-me or whatever you like to call it. Anglers will pay an entry fee of $100 which goes into the winnings pot minus $20 per enty for iAngler Tournament fee, PayPal, insurance, etc. The $4,000.00 payout pot is based upon 50 paid entries with the Top Five winners sharing the cash.
“In 2015 many anglers in the region wanted an all cash prize payout pro-series. The problem with that is there just isn’t enough sponsor cash in kayak fishing yet to pay for it. We feel that what we are doing is a reasonable alternative and keeping the fun in it” said Captain Pat Horrigan, National Director of Tournaments.
To further act upon this request the Kayak Fishing ClassicS has added a cash Calcutta to all 10 of the KFC series tournaments this year. Denali Performance Apparel company is sponsoring this and will be putting $250 in the pot for each tournament. Anglers may purchase into this option when they register for each event to further build the cash payout in the series. Although tournament kayak fishing is fun, it can also get a bit pricey for anglers with travel money, hotels, food, etc. The Denali Master Calcutta is an option that should satisfy the need and add another element to the fun in the series.
We are looking forward to this winter time event and it looks like anglers are as well. We have received a great deal of positive response to the Reds 4 Bucks cash payout tournament and we will keep you posted on the outcome.
For more information about Kayak Fishing ClassicS or their new $4,000 Reds 4 Bucks Tournament, check out their website,