When the sun lights my bedroom window, I fight off consciousness. I’m on a seven-day fishless bender. Do I really want to suffer through day eight? Then I think, “Rob Choi would go.”

Rob Choi is an Ocean Kayak pro, Kayak Angler contributor and a fishing buddy. He lives two hours from the ocean. I live only 15 minutes from the water. The sun is shining, the weather is sweet and I know Rob would go. So, I go.

Why Anglers Should Always Listen to the Voices in Their Head

When I get to the beach, the ocean is calm and clear. The surf is peeling with force but I take Jim Sammons’ advice to heart: Rig to flip. The forecast says 15 knots and three-foot swell by the afternoon. What if I get caught miles offshore when the wind kicks up? Can I paddle three miles into a head-on sea? My brother from another mother, Kevin Whitley, paddled 1,800 miles from Pensacola, Florida, to his backyard in Norfolk, Virginia. He paddled across the Chesapeake Bay in worse conditions. If he made it, I’ll make it. I launch through the shorebreak and paddle into the rising sun.

Fishing from the shoulders of giants. | Feature photo: Ric Burnley

The people I fish with inspire me to fish hard and fish smart. I hear their voices in my head. Words of wisdom, acts of bravery and bouts of extreme fortune keep me rolling in the right direction. Friends, family members, heroes and role models whom I admire show me how to live.

Wise Words for When the Fish Don’t Bite

About noon, I’m still no-fish. I remember a lesson from Captain Rom Whitaker, one of the best fishermen on Hatteras Island. “If I haven’t done anything by noon,” he once told me, “I head offshore to explore.” So, I head offshore to explore.

Another fishing friend, Ken Neill, is one of the most awarded anglers in Virginia. He’s famous for breaking records and helping science make sense of fish. What most people don’t realize is the number of hours this weekend warrior spends on the water. He’s a great angler and he goes to the right places, but it’s the hours and hours with a bait in the water that wins the awards. I keep paddling, looking for a school of cobia or a pod of red drum on the surface.

Whether I’m fishing a quickie for reds and specks or going hard for ocean trophies, my encounters with better anglers teach me to improve my game.

Fishing from the Shoulders of Giants

I’ve been lucky to fish with some of the finest. Through the pages of Kayak Angler, I’ve met even more great anglers. Gary Elliott teaches me about interchangeable accessories. And Dustin Doskocil reminds me that fishing is fun and funny.

Each one of these people inspire me to do better. When I see a 50-pound cobia cruising a few feet off the boat, I don’t freak out. The fish dives, but I’m not worried. I drop my bucktail like cobia master Captain Aaron Kelly showed me, and jig it once. The line comes tight and I remember the immortal words of Yogi Berra; “The game ain’t over ‘til it’s over.”

Ric Burnley is the editor of Kayak Angler magazine.

Cover of the 2017 Paddling Buyer's GuideThis article was first published in the 2016 Paddling Buyer’s Guide. Subscribe to Kayak Angler Magazine’s print and digital editions, or browse the archives.

Fishing from the shoulders of giants. | Feature photo: Ric Burnley


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“Thank God my dad wasn’t a podiatrist,” Ric jokes about following in the footsteps of a famous outdoor writer. After graduating from Radford University and serving two years in Russia with the Peace Corps, Ric returned to Virginia Beach and started writing for The Fisherman magazine, where his dad was editor. When the kayak fishing scene exploded, Ric was among the first to get onboard. His 2007 book, The Complete Kayak Fisherman is one of the first how-to books to introduce anglers to paddle fishing. In 2010, Ric took on the role of editor at Kayak Angler magazine where he covered the latest trends in kayak fishing tactics, tackle, gear and destinations. A ravenous angler, Ric fishes from the mountain to the sea chasing everything from smallmouth bass to striped bass.


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