Starting February 3, 2025 anglers will compete in the first ever YakOff Awards, hosted by Kayak Angler. In this upcoming competition, kayak anglers will face off head-to-head in a NCAA March Madness style bracket competing for votes to become the first YakOff Champion.
We caught up with our own Keith Stevenson, who dreamt up and organized the competition to hear more about the upcoming YakOffs.
Kayak Angler: What are the YakOffs?
Keith Stevenson: The YakOff Awards are something that has been brewing in my mind for a while because of these crazy, imaginative builds that people are doing to their kayaks—be it multiple graphs, towering crates, rod holders, extensions, GoPros, even Star Link! Or be it simple river kayak, minimalist back down to the basics. There’s so many different ways [people] make it their 100% own, authentic vessel—their ultimate fishing machine for how they fish—but there’s so much we can learn and borrow from each other.
I just thought let’s bring these people together, let’s let audiences vote on what’s the coolest—not necessarily the most expensive gadget-filled! That’s why fishing is so awesome because it’s all so different for everybody: from shorelines to boats, rafts, SUP’s, yachts, dinghy’s… but most importantly and most fun—KAYAKS!
Let the YakOffs begin!
KA: Where did the idea for the YakOffs originate?
Keith: The YakOff awards started because of the amount of creativity that’s out there among kayak anglers and tournaments, and people just loving to play with their builds and brag about how they MacGyver their rig to be their ultimate fishing machine. I literally probably fuss with my kayaks and tackle more than I actually fish! We decided to put on a competition bringing these people together, putting them head to head, and letting our audience and their audiences vote on who’s got the coolest, craziest, most fun, rigged-out wacky but functional unit and learn how and what they can adopt to enhance their own yaks and time on the water.
KA: What’s the timeline for the YakOffs?
Keith: The YakOffs are starting on Monday, February 3rd and will run until the middle of May. That’s about a fifteen-week session. YakOff weekly battles run Monday to Sunday—the winner of every week will be announced the following Wednesday.
KA: What are the prizes?
Keith: We have some cool prizes; The winning angler of the YakOffs will of course get bragging rights and a cool trophy but will also be featured in a spotlight in our summer print issue of Kayak Angler Magazine, have a branded spotlight page on, and will get a $2500 cash prize to do with whatever they want—but hopefully buy me a present for putting this all together or take me fishing! This first inaugural YakOffs includes ambassadors and pro staff members from around the industry.
For all of our Kayak Angler audience, the fishing audience around the world, and all of these angler’s followers there’s a really cool prize we have put together: a grand prize of a fully-rigged motorized kayak with a cart and a bunch of accessories to go along with it.
All you have to do [to enter to win] is log in, learn a bunch of stuff, meet some cool peeps and chat ways to improve your fishing. Then, pick and choose who you think gets to move on in the tournament that week. Then if so inclined, learn how to gain extra entries by fulfilling additional optional tasks.
Join in and follow the fun, learn and teach these pros that they don’t know everything, show them and explain what you’ve done to your yaks. I guarantee there are some weekend warriors out there that can teach these pros a thing or two.
KA: Where can I follow the YakOffs?
Keith: The YakOffs will be at and throughout all of our socials @kayakanglermag. I encourage everyone to follow along, have fun, learn and share!
Let the YakOff’s begin!
A peek at Chad Hoover’s YakOffs submission. | Feature photo: Chad Hoover