We thought we’d already heard all the good news Feelfree US had to offer us for ICAST 2016. We were wrong. As it turns out, Feelfree’s new Dagon offshore fishing kayak was just the tip of the iceberg compared to Feelfree Kayaks’ new Overdrive system that appears to be both a motor and pedal drive all in one removeable unit.
Forever, the paddle guys want a fishing kayak that paddles well, the pedal guys never want to see a paddle and then there’s the guys that want to blast ahead of the rest of them motoring to their spots. What if you could have all three? Good question.
A little note fell into our inboxes here at Kayak Angler this past weekend from our friends at Feelfree. Actually, it was just a picture and a name. The picture was the one above; the name: Overdrive—as in Bachman-Turner Overdrive the ’70s classic rock band. With a motor the size of a 24oz can of beer that runs on a standard 12 volt battery, the Overdrive will let you switch from motoring do your spot, switch to pedal power while you dial in a pattern, and then go paddle power once you start hooking up.
We thought we’d see it all, but apparently, You Ain’t Seen Sothing Yet (link to BTO video to get your morning started off right. Notice Feelfree’s Overdrive logo below and the BTO logo. Nice touch boys.).
Photo: The Feelfree Overdrive motor is only the size of a tall boy.
Right away we reached out to Feelfree’s Jim Hager for more. Not only is this new Overdrive system going to be available in Feelfree’s newest models, but the system will also be available as a retrofit option for any Feelfree boat you may already have.
“We will also be selling the pedals and motor separately from the boat,” said Hager. Before you ask, yes, the Overdrive also features a reverse function.”The motor will have a separate controller as well.”
As for operation of the system, switching to the motor drive from the pedals only takes a slide of the motor into place to disengage the pedals. For steering, the angler will have “a left and right lawnmower throttle rudder control that attaches to the existing rudder lines,” Hager said.
Photo:Â The logo for the Feelfree Overdrive logo, ready to fish. Ready to rock. Classic BTO.Â
There are a still a few questions we have for the bicycle-style Overdrive system. First and foremost, we want to know how much and when it’ll be available. I’m also curious to now how the system attaches to the boat and how heavy it is. Will it influence the performance of the boat. How much space does it take up in the kayak? How easily will it fit into the retrofitted kayaks? Will we ever paddle if we can pedal and motor? We’ll find out all we can and more later this week at ICAST.Â
Photo: The lightweight Feelfree Overdrive system will be Takin’ Care of Business (another shameless BTO reference) letting you fish all day, any way you want.
Stay tuned for updates on Facebook for Feelfree’s new Overdrive system when we visit the Feelfree booth at ICAST 2016.